Modernizing Payments | Matera Javelin Whitepaper

Modernizing Payments:

The Digital Twin Approach


The rapid pace of change in financial services and payments has created a challenge for financial institutions, one that must be met quickly if they are to remain competitive; FIs must modernize their systems to meet the rising consumer demands for instant payments and mobile transactions.

In this whitepaper, Javelin looks at Matera’s promising solution – the digital twin approach to payments.

Digital Twin offers banks the opportunity to satisfy user demands immediately without replacing aging core banking platforms and also puts those FIs on a path toward modernizing their critical systems.

In this whitepaper, you'll learn:

  • Recommendations for modernizing critical core and payment systems
  • How legacy technology is holding FIs back from meeting consumer expectations
  • How a digital twin approach provides a path to payment and system modernization
  • How to begin your modernization journey

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